The deck is now full: a whopping total of fifty-two blog posts! This final one, then, completes my journey as an "Expat in India"...well, at least, for now. Will I be back there? You betcha! Wild horses--or wild dogs and cows, as is more apt in this case--couldn't keep me away. As soon as they lift the suspension on visas for tourists, you better believe I will be heading back to India! And starting a whole new blog about it when I do. * * * * * * * * THE RETURN Since this post is the grand finale, detailing my departure from India, it is a rather lengthy one. Besides which, it really does require some elaborate explanations to do the story of my return trip justice: traveling in this era of Covid is SO surreal, how could it be otherwise? I only hope you may find it as interesting as I did! The mask was obligatory for the whole duration of every flight, and began to feel rather claustrophobic before too long! I also donned ski cap and fleece jac...