Life in the Ashram, Six: Food, Glorious Food!

Slices of unripe, green mango with chili sprinkled on top...considered a delicacy by some, or just an excuse to eat a mango when too impatient to wait for it to ripen! another month, presumably, should do the trick...I await this moment with baited breath! Dear readers, my relationship with technology is akin to a never ending field of battle. I am horrifically dismayed to report that, after spending an entire hour composing and editing the original posting--about three times longer than this version-- with the touch of a mere back button, I managed to delete the entire thing, photos and all. Nothing left, just a blank document. I was utterly disgusted, and thought about not writing about food after all...but then I was inspired to composed this silly ditty in my remaining 10 minutes of internet access here! So forgive me, friends... and at least you get the essence. When I have another hour in another week from now of internet usage, I will attempt to elaborate further! Meanwhi...