Lock down update; up-leveled social distancing in the ashram!
Dear readers, What strange times these are indeed! India presumably has VERY few cases of the CV reported--only 1300 cases in the entire country!-- and yet the rules of the lock down are very strict. All flights going in and out of the country are cancelled, at least until April 15th. Ditto for domestic flights. No buses, trains or other forms of public transportation are running. Everything is now closed except for medical facilities, pharmacies and grocery stores, and people are presumably only allowed to go to these places at certain times. Police are everywhere on the streets enforcing this. Initially, I found this disturbing: is India turning into a police state? But then Vinod, a friend here in the ashram, showed me several clips (search them on Google or Youtube!) of the "enforcement" and "punishments" involved if people disobey: For the men, they get a lashing with a stick! For the women, they have to do squats ...kid you not...and children? Som...