Taking stock... Perspective on the madness of CV from the sanctity of an Indian ashram

This is definitely going to be a different sort of blog. To begin with, I have no internet access and the data is sporadic is best. I am presently staying in an ashram outside the remote village of Ganeshpuri, about a 3-hour drive from Mumbai. I am using voice activation on my phone, so forgive me for any errors that I neglect to edit. It is extremely challenging on this tiny LCD screen!

Thankfully, the hysteria over CV has not enveloped this beautiful ashram. Granted, it is now closed to any new arrivals, and we wash our hands perpetually and use hand sanitizer. We do get news pretty much daily on the goings on in the rest of the world. I know that my investments have plummeted so I cease and desist even to look at my accounts. Mostly, visitors from the West are affected because their flights back home, mainly to Europe, have been canceled. I need to add, however, these people that are " forced " to stay are not exactly weeping. They are more than happy to stave off the inevitable return into the world that has gone mad for as long as possible! And who can blame them?

There is one other way in which we are disturbingly affected. The little store outside the ashram, which is our only source for such essentials as toothbrushes, toothpaste, and other unsundry toiletries, has informed me today that their supplier has closed its doors for the time being. Therefore, what you see is what you get! Needless to say I stocked up on the items you see in the photo. Yes, I had to throw in my favorite sweets, for someone with a sweet tooth such as myself considers such items also essential!

As for life in the ashram, I certainly could have not picked a better place to be sequestered. We number about a hundred which is a very small amount considering the Ashram could hold 10 times as many comfortably. As such, the peace is profound. We are all serious yogis here, spending our time meditating and chanting kirtans and eating fabulous food as consciously as possible!

There are two lines in the dining hall: national and international. National is of course your traditional Indian fare. International food is tailored to Western taste buds. It has included everything from miso soup to spaghetti. Lots of vegetables and fruit are provided at most meals. After suffering through heavy food throughout India that I really couldn't digest, and getting a bad stomach bug requiring antibiotics, I am just bowled over with gratitude to have healthy food to eat which agrees with my system thoroughly.

Beyond all doubt, however, the absolute best part about this amazing ashram are the grounds. It is filled with expansive gardens containing every imaginable tree and plant... No doubt hundreds of varieties. We get fresh coconut juice from the coconut palms. In the up and coming hot season there will be fresh mangoes. The Ashram also boasts its own vegetable garden that is organic of course, and is prolific as well. All of the gardens are amply watered as the source is a major river not too far away. All of our water goes through a sophisticated filtration system so all is safe to drink, thank God! Because so much water is in abundance, the trees are always flowering and everything is lush and green and beautiful beyond compare. It definitely contrasts greatly to India at large, which is dirty and dusty and dry at this time. Not so in the ashram. It truly is an oasis... As close to Paradise as one could possibly get on Earth.

Am I feeling fortunate? You better believe it. In fact, I keep telling people I feel like I have won the lottery! Swear to God, being able to be here in this beautiful and sacred abode is worth way more than any amount of money. I feel truly, deeply blessed.

You won't see photos of what I am describing because, since these are sacred grounds, photos are prohibited as they are anywhere in India that is considered sacred. So you will just have to use your imagination. The photo of my supplies I am stocking up on is the only exception!

To be continued... Time to go off to my evening meditation!

(In the meantime though, know that I am thinking of you all and sending you my blessings and well wishes and all the good energy I can muster for you to be as removed as possible from the craziness in the world right now. Stay safe and be well!


  1. I am sooo happy for you, dear sister!
    How did you find this ashram?
    All schools are closed and most public events cancelled. We are having everything streamed online and stay in our little homes. As far as I know, everyone in our community is well.
    Enjoy, stay in peace and health and keep in touch!

  2. I am so very grateful and happy you are safe and well and in such a lovely-sounding environment. Thank you so much for sharing your daily activities with us--an inspiration for us all to follow no matter our circumstances. Also VERY smart of you to buy some supplies in advance of closures--good choices! I've done the exact same thing here at home. Stay positive and peaceful!! Love to you!!!

  3. I'm glad you're finally having some good luck - you deserve it! keep a low profile and meditate a lot & maybe you can stay there until this is over.
    in the Sacramento Community we are all sequestered now. no one is working outside, as far as I know. Sunday service is being streamed just three to four people handling that. Dharmadas & nirmala have been streaming all the morning meditations also. we are trying to stay centered amidst the crash of breaking worlds.

  4. I could really picture the gardens at the ashram through your description - sounds like you could not be in a better place! Glad your stomach is better and reading this reminds me to keep practicing meditation. as ever, Jeanne

  5. I could really picture the gardens at the ashram through your description - sounds like you could not be in a better place! Glad your stomach is better and reading this reminds me to keep practicing meditation. as ever, Jeanne


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