Silence and cessation in India

Once again, my friends, I am using voice activation on my phone so forgive any errors in advance. Also it is too hard to edit on the tiny LCD screen, so please do your best and forgive me!

The big news is that today, Sunday March 22nd, the whole of India is purportedly coming to a screeching halt. That is to say, all forms of transportation are to cease and desist for the entire day, from 7:00 a.m. until 9:00 p.m., and Indians are told not to go out at all for any reason. Not only is this a big move to up-level the social isolation bit toward prevention of the spread of Corona virus, but it is also a move to heighten awareness. WHO has applauded India for its aggressive, highly proactive moves to prevent the spread of the virus in India. it's borders are closed and no international flights are going in or out. Visas are suspended. Of course it is especially critical in the second largest population of the world, close to 1 and 1/2 billion people. All living in close proximity by and large. So if the virus were to get out of control in this country, huge populations would be decimated. At least that is presumed. so the steps that have been taken by prime Minister Mooti are huge. They are also applauded by the population at large as I understand it.

I would also hope this would help to clear the air even if just for a day! As I'm sure you are aware, pollution is rampant in this country. of course, I am fortunate that where I am, in a remote village far away from a major city, the air is mostly very clear and the sky is blue the majority of the time. It is gorgeous in fact. And a rarity in this land.

At 5:00 p.m., word has gone around that everyone should start clapping. Imagine if 1.5 billion people are  actually do this! It actually is a little hard to imagine. We however, in the Ashram, we'll be doing our evening Arati at that time in the main temple here, and since there is a lot of instrumentation that goes along with chanting, the clapping is a natural to go along with it. The timing couldn't be more perfect.

Besides standing in unity, the intention as I understand it is to spread light and upliftment throughout this holy land and the world in general. Certainly that will be my intention.

Dear readers, I hope that the periodic posting of my blog--which I will try to do more regularly once again---will help uplift your lives, As well as amuse and entertain from time to time. If nothing else, I hope it will provide another distraction since, as I understand it, a great majority of you in the world are sequestered in your own homes. Hopefully my blog will become part of what you do to keep your mind calm and in a good place. Certainly I would hope so!

So keep on reading, and thanks for following my blog, and may you all be well, safe, sane and well-fed in these surreal and extremely turbulent times!


  1. What a perfect place to be right now! Perfect!
    We are in our homes now all the time except for walks. I've been teaching yoga, leading studies, and leading meditations online. So I've actually been very busy. I miss my grandtoddler a lot, but we video play every day!
    Blessings and stay healthy, dear one!

  2. Wonderful wonderful wonderful. The world could certainly use more light and I for one appreciate you sharing how India is doing it. Be safe and well friend. Namaste


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