Life in the Ashram, Eight: The Sizzling Hot Season!

Omg, where to actually begin?
This climate will surely do me in!
Boy, am I sick of my fly - paper skin.....!

Chugging gallons of water
But can't quench my thirst
Going hours without peeing
Now that's truly a first!

But why, you may ask?
Well, it's definitely clear
That the liquid just pours
From my pores I do fear!

Yes, I can assure you
That it's never boring
In this country of India
Where temperature's soaring

Dazed, as I drag along
This sun-baking path
To my room, where I take
My next hourly bath

I must take 10 showers
A day, kid you not!
My skin is all rashy,
My toenails, they rot!

So how do they do it?
The flora and fauna?
How do they survive
In this wet, broiling sauna?!

The halls with the A.C.
Are where humans flock
But alas! When I go,
'Tis an even worse shock!

This biting, damp cold
Is a true Arctic chill
To me, it is torture
For the Indians? A thrill!

Oh, what an enigma
These scantily clad
"Nationals" sit happily...
I think they're quite mad!

Yours truly is wrapped up
In fleece and ski cap--
Once again, it is glaring:
Our cultural gap!

Oh this heat, it's a killer
In April and May
But coolness is coming--
At least, so they say...
(But God help me, that's still at least 6  weeks away!)

Yes, next month, new season:
Arriving late June,
Comes what I am craving--
The rains of monsoon!

Still, unless you are looney
(Dear reader that's me!)
You will wisely refrain
From that plane over - sea...

Stay out of India!
(Harshest land on the Earth)
Have sense and remain
In the place of your birth!!!


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