"Really Reaching": How To Amuse Oneself in the Lock-down World!

A pictorial essay of what you can--and SHOULD!!--try at home!

Chin puppet! have a conversation with your own chin! Ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!!

Hide-n-seek! shhhh...don't tell that I am here in the closet!

Never beats scritching the little local pooch... this street dog was in heaven, as was I!

Be careful about the furniture... but you can create your own makeshift "raquetball" against a wall of your room!

Clear and clean wall to bounce the ball off of... good for hours of fun!

Nothing like a "spit-shined" tile floor, wiped 50 times at least, to enable you to see your reflection!

Truly one of my faves: catch a moving fan blade with an article of clothing! Exercise extreme patience with this one... but rest assured, glory awaits!

"On-the-bed" aerobics: done most comfortably and hygienically in bare feet!

Earplug sculptures (does require a sizeable container of earplugs, which happily I have!) 

Make-your-own mango lassi...yum! first try, not bad at all! Does help to have a fresh Indian mango, of course....


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